A conventional pastry brush made with synthetic bristles can become irritating when they become brittle through constant washing and drying, for they loose their bristles and often over your pastry.
A pastry brush made with goose feathers however, is naturally born to withstand getting wet and dry on a daily basis.
A goose feathered brush will never loose its fibres, it will give you a perfect covering of egg wash each and everytime.
A goose feathered brush will never loose its fibres, it will give you a perfect covering of egg wash each and everytime.
Lastly remember when egg washing your pastry to add a few drops of cold water to your egg wash, this will help breakdown the enzymes in the white of the egg. Having done so, you can then apply the egg wash evenly and without any snail trails of the egg white covering your delicate pastries.
If you would like to purchase a goose feathered pastry brush, then contact me and I'll put you in touch with the lady who makes them.
By the way those sausage rolls above tasted scrummy!