Tuesday 2 April 2013

Le Charcutier Anglais - Ebook Version

Well it's been a long journey for those that have been asking for an ebook version of Le Charcutier Anglais, however I can now inform you it is finally here:-

Just click here for more information https://itunes.apple.com/gb/book/le-charcutier-anglais/id623237925?mt=11

We'll be adding further recipes, audio & video tutorials and more just as we can get round to filming them, so you can expect a fuller richer experience being added to your purchase, so remember to look out for your free updates from time to time.

Thank you for all your loyalty & support, it really makes this all worthwhile especially knowing some of you are learning these skills for the first time and by doing so you are joining a special group of people whom without we would lose our food heritage.

"Charcuterie a taste for the future from the past".